'Liefde is de essentie van wie we zijn. Eenheid is de sleutel naar het hart.´
- Carmen Heystek -

Your soul freely has choosen to be part of a huge ascension shift. You came down with a mission to be in service. We are multi-galactic beings, re-opening our hearts to embody the highest essence of love. It is the home coming of our pure divine feminine and masculine energy. We are healing a lot of traumatic wounds, patterns and beliefs of our innerchild, ancestors, past lifes and the collective field. Besides we are breaking free from false matrixes.
Most of us lack the feeling of being safe, seen, loved, confident, protected, nurtured and understood. We experienced many lifetimes unhealthy control dynamics which disempowered us. We were emotionally suppressed for a long time. This healing package will open up many layers to rebuild a safe inner Temple to your soul. It can invite you to a 180 degrees transformational new ways of being, relating and living. A lot of fear based programms and conditioned concepts will fall apart. You will be re-aligned with the highest source while anchoring your lightbody in a fundamental base of uncondional love. It is the re-awakening of the pure Christ Consciousness Unity.
Path of the High Priestess

You are here to receive so many blessings. You are the source of unconditional love. You have a mission to lead. You are here to give expression to your beautiful spiritual, emotional, physical, mental and seksual being. You have wisdom and a voice ready to be heared.
You are a portal of divine magic. You are pure light. You are one with God-Goddess. You are a shamanic woman, a high priestess of love. You are a leader of the rose.
You are here to live Heaven on Earth. If you want to live your true essence here, the Path of the High Priestess might be your calling! It is our birthright to live free, unconditioned and in charge of our own power. This healing package is a ticket to self & cosmic mastery. You are going to refill your own cup of selflove. Within this new sense of selfworth, you are more able to attract abundance on each level. During these beautiful healing sessions, we dive deep into your soul to touch all the shadow layers which hold you from stepping into your highest timelines. Become a Queen of Magdalene and Isis.
"Sacred Partnership is the deep 'Yes', between two (or more) devoted lovers to live embodied in love & union with oneself and eachother."
In a tantric rose programm, you will learn how to open up your heart to connect, speak and show yourself truthfully & authentically. In this master training you will learn how to see and hold space for yourself and your partner. Grow together into new ways of communication, healthy boundaries, desires, freedom, seks- and sensuality. Rise together.
Book your Holy Wedding Ceremony or Couple Programm here.