During this beautiful ascension ride you are initiated into becoming a Master of Union and Cosmic Mastery. First of all you are going through an opening journey to build a deeper connection with your kundalini spirit.
The awakening of the Kundalini energy is an alchemical fusion. It’s the inner way back home; to the sacred marriage of the divine masculine and feminine energies. Back to the inner unity of you with God-Goddess. Not a lot of people know that the death of Jesus carried a strong kundalini awakening. Symbolically “dying” in the crucifixion scene of the inner duality (the two men) and the ego (Jesus).
Mary, as the mother of Jesus, is seen as the mother of God. The kundalini energy is seen in most traditions as the feminine aspect of God, or ’the God Mother’. Activating the kundalini energy stimulates the pineal gland. This spiritual organ can ensure that substances are released that provide a unity experience.
We will assist you into travelling with your kundalini energy through the Gate of God. The place at the base of the spine where the kundalini begins its upward journey is the Brahma-dvara, the gate or door of Brahma. This door to God remains closed to who has not yet done the required inner work. The metaphor of speaking different languages refers to the loss of the unity of the divine. Instead, the inner world of man is divided into ego fragments. The moral of the Tower of Babel story is that the Kingdom of God cannot be won on your own – it is a path you walk with God.
I love this story about the important journey of kundalini awakening. Due to this high activation, this ascension ride can only be travelled through after a dedicated inner process. Your body needs to be prepared on different levels to work through the stages of this activation. Note that this session opens a process. It’s upto you and God-Goddess when your full kundalini activation is birthed. This really takes time and sometimes lifetimes. But this higher initiations opens up a lot in a high speed.
While merging on a deeper level with your kundalini spirit, you will notice that this divine energy will break through your system. It can be a death-and-rebirth process of your ego. This snake-energy will eat-up shame energies and let you awaken your seksual gifts. This is a life-force energy spirit who will invite you to break free into your body and merge polarities within. It will clean-up seksual trauma wounds and blockages. Go on a ride with your divine seksual fire that invites you to make friends with your seksual fluids, organs and sensuality. Let this empowered force open you up to give and receive more (self)-pleasure.
After this amazing process in a while, you are welcome to attend the second healing journey. During this stage you are initiated into Mastery of Union. You will go through a deep blood cleansing and your cosmic wings will be activated. On a deep inner level you will be invited to reach inner union in alignment with the Divine Christ Consciousness Unity. Your body will be triggered into awakening and ‘replacing’ yourself in the heart center of God. This is your home where you belong and from where the purest presence of your God-Self can be found. In this center of your being, new insights of divine truths can be refound. In this process you get a chance to reclaim your Christos-Body and re-align with the Holy Cosmic Father-Mother Sun and Dragons. Within this journey it is a clearing of old veils to lead you into mastery of union and Sovereign Divine Leadership. With that your mission will be invited into new dimensional timelines and synchronicities according to the Law of 1.
In the third and last healing session of ‘The path of the High Priestess’, you will be releasing a lot of (old) karmic debts. You will besides be initiated into Cosmic Mastery. This can give an even more eagle flying feeling of union. This is the home coming of your inner Queen, to facilitate zero-Godspoint created union forms, from your pure heart.
This package is part of the ‘Path of the High Priestess’ journey. It includes three distance healings which you can receive from your own holy sacred home space.