All my offered healing sessions have been to me a transformational journey. It is each time a birthing process after going through many personal obstacles and challenges. This adventurous ride through all my shadow parts, brings me the ability to create and download these healing sessions when I am ‘ready’.

As well for me it asks my dedication and full responsiblity to dive into the depths of myself. This includes having a look in unresolved soul wounds and past painful experiences as a human being. It also invites us each time to step into the unknown reaching out to a higher timeline, walking new paths into our soul mission and letting go of many things that aren’t serving and aligned anymore.

I know it can be a rough time facing and accepting broken parts that need your loveful attention. You can’t look away for all that is showed up to you. Through deep understanding I am able to witness and hold space for you during your ascension path. I am happy to assist you when hurt parts are being touched. To take a look with you and embrace it with love, warmth, wisdom and reflection. I am not here to rescue you but I can be a guide to you. I know you have so much power within yourself! That is also the source we are touching more and more during this 5th ascension package. We will travel through reconnecting you with being your own inner master. Being your own leader who takes full commitment to their soulmission and re-attaching to their inner beautiful being.

During each healing session you will receive new lightcodes, information and higher initiations. There is so much divine guidance available for you while walking your path of ascension. With the depth our spiritual life journey, we are invited to dive into the hidden spots and peel off as many layers as possible. This will bring you back in your core center of your being. It is a one way ticket to come home into union within yourself. That is the place of the mering of God-Goddess within an energy of unconditional love.

Within this pacakge there are 3 distance healings included:First: Cosmic Inner Cleansing

  1. Cosmic Inner Cleansing. This is a really deep cleansing of negative attached energy which can be karmic but also in distracted extraterrestrial forms. This will set your soul and body free from lots of unwanted energies.
  2. Sacred Heart Activation. Within this second healing we invite you to detach from co-dependency cords and relationships based on conditioned love. There will be a reparation of your angels wings after healing wounds of slavery, loneliness, seperation and cycles of victim- and perpetrayerhood. Letting go of fears, guilt and blaming. After this transition, your heart will be invited to merge into a sacred inner union. You will receive showers of Christ Consciousness light. There will be new alignments which will help you to find the sacred Cosmic Christ within yourself,
  3. This third path will help you awaken to your divine inner flame within yourself. During this Selfmastery Activation you are invited to live out of an anchored place within your sacred heart with the embodiement and presence of your lighbody, while taking charge of your innermastery.

Note that this 5th ascension package is a successor to the other packages. Due to the high initiations it is each time a new step into awakening a higher consciousness, expanding your truths and anchoring more of your Holy Christ Energy into your beautiful temple on earth. This package is part of the ‘Path of the High Priestess’ journey.