The Big M never made me want to eat him. Sorry Big M; you look delicious but I can’t eat it with gluten inside and besides; I feel like you are a cheater. 😉 Haha! It’s not Mac Do in my opinion but ‘Mac Don’t’. You give less energy and eating you would turn into a ”I feel guilty’ moment. Fastfood makes me wonder why we should make it unhealthy? Why should we when we have the choice of healthy good nutrition? So that’s why I made my own MAC DO! 🙂 Make this burger with tuna or make it vega proof.
This recipe is for 3-4 persons:
>> Pure 1 can read beans (Kidney beans; raw and prefer Bio) together with:
>> 2 Bio eggs, 2 x hand glutenfree oats, 2 x hand fresh basil, 1 hand pickles, 1 can tuna, black peper, Himalaya salt, 2 x garlic, parsil and 2 x hand of fresh spinach.
>> You can make a vega option if you leave out the tuna. Use in stead of the tuna, some sliced carrot or beetroot. (Continue reading below the picture)
Pureer 1 blik rode bonen (kidney bonen, biologisch) met 2 biologische eieren, 2 x hand glutenvrije havermout, 2 x hand verse bascilicum, 1 x hand augurk, 1 blik tonijn, zwarte peper, Himalaya zout, 2 x knoflook, peterselie en 2 handen verse spinazie. Wanneer de massa glad is, maak er dan 3-4 burgers van. Ik doe dit direct in de pan. Dan kun je ze ook gemakkelijker vormen met een houten spatel. Bak om en om tot ze knapperig zijn. Serveer met pinda’s, avocado en tomaat. Wil je er toch brood bij serveren? Kies dan voor glutenvrij, spelt of volkoren brood. Geniet van je gezonde burger!
>> Pure untill it’s smooth.
>> Make 3-4 servings of the smashed food.
>> Bake this in olive oil in a baking pan. Turn around when it gets crunchy.
>> Serve the burger (without bread or choose glutenfree or whole grain) on a plate. Add some fresh tomato, peanuts and avocado besides.
‘I Hope you will like your healthy Mac Do!’
– Big kiss – Little Mac SO CEE –